Around Town – July 8

Orchids to …

• Steve Cain for running errands for me and picking up my medicine in this hot weather, from Boop.

• the amazing pyrotechnicians on Greenway Court for the fabulous fireworks display!

• the friendly and speedy staff working at KFC this past July 4th holiday, from a drive-thru customer.

• Flatrock-Hawcreek School Corp. for understanding that planning for our return to school may need to be adjusted and giving the public a proactive plan.

• the gentleman in a red truck that stopped and helped my father when he fell in the driveway on Foxpointe Drive last Thursday.

• the Hillview addition residents for all the lovely fireworks in the center area, from a grateful shut-in.

• Bartholomew County REMC board of directors and the co-op for issuing a special capital credit refund in the July 2020 statement.

• REMC for giving its members a capital credit refund.

• Columbus East facility for a beautiful outside graduation for our 2020 graduates.

Onions to …

• those wanting to close a great golf course while keeping the white elephant dumped on them instead of selling it.

• asking parents to complete a back-to-school survey without knowing the specific safety details of in-school learning.

• not releasing a detailed re-opening school plan, as a parent, I can’t complete a survey without knowing how my children will be protected.

• the federal elected official not understanding if a problem is important enough to be in the his daily brief, then it is important enough to read.

• anyone who rewards the country causing worldwide damage and death by continuing to do business with them.

• the school system for not putting the health and well-being of its teachers/staff as high of a priority as its students/families for school re-entry in the fall.

• the school corporation giving free reign to subordinate leaders in all buildings to change the recommended student guidelines/expectations for pandemic health/safety.

• those who say nothing about the 87 shootings and 17 killed in Chicago on July 4th weekend.

• the school corporation not giving staff options about how they feel most comfortable to teach during this pandemic.

• the school corporation with increased class sizes not hiring more personnel, and placing more students together in classrooms during this pandemic.

• the school corporation and building supervisors who are not requiring students, staff and guests in school buildings to wear masks during this pandemic.

• the school system for not getting staff input about reopening decisions and allowing parents only two choices without option details, social distancing measures or preventative steps.

• people who waste fire department resources by making multiple complaints about a fire pit rather than being neighborly and working out a compromise.

• the federal elected official who claims “the virus will sort of just disappear” and that 99% of COVID-19 cases are “totally harmless.”

• people who don’t realize to build a future you must remember your past and strive to improve.

• the federal elected official claiming public schools are “indoctrinating school children to hate America” while he celebrated the Fourth of July and the Declaration of Independence.

• the federal elected official for fighting so hard to preserve the Confederate flag, a symbol of slavery.

• the local elected official seeking to close the affordable golf course in the middle of town for one that many cannot afford to play on the far east part of the county.

• the federal leader whose every decision on the coronavirus has been a disaster and resulted in more than 130,000 deaths.

• the federal elected official caring more about berating the racing series and one of its drivers and defending the Confederate flag than fighting the pandemic.

• the candidate who spreads division and false information from his basement.

• the federal elected official and his team for the poor supply chain response.

• high crime rates in cities.

• the program teaching tennis lessons to children with no regard to social distancing.

• the school corporations who are opening up their schools while the virus is more rampant now than it was in March.

Happy Birthday to …

• Dina Martin from your family, Ed and Donna.

• Carin Newman from your family, Rita and Donna.

• Rhonda Kelley, from Mom and Tom.

Happy Anniversary to …

• Stephanie and Jason Long, from Dad and Mom.

• Jim and Ada England, from Pastor Marvin Brown and Trinity Baptist Church.

ANOTHER beautiful morning