Club celebrating 60 years of friendship

Staff Reports

The FGC Extension Homemaker’s Club of Bartholomew County marked its 60th anniversary on Sept. 10 with a gathering at the home of Lela Foust. A light lunch was served and members enjoyed recalling the many events and activities the club has experienced in the past 60 years. Also, a number of scrapbooks were available for the members to scan.

The club was sponsored by the former Homecraft Club in Clay Township in September 1960. The ladies first named their club the Future Grandmother’s Extension Homemaker’s Club because all the members were young mothers, mostly in their 20s, and couldn’t imagine ever becoming a grandmother. However, most of them are now great-grandmothers. A few years ago, Purdue University informed all the extension clubs their names had to become more inclusive, so the club just became the FGCs.

Patsy Harris of Hope and Gay Purdy of Franklin are two of the charter members of the club and Patsy is currently serving as president. She was elected the first president of the club in 1960. Other members are Jean Fiesbeck, Lela Foust, Barb Hampton, Linda Jackson, Clora Mize, Margaret Payne, Phyllis Roemmel and Sandy Williams, all of whom have been members for at least 40 years, or maybe 50. Sadly, the club lost two charter members in the last 10 years, Ardie Conlin and Pat Bonnell.

The club’s activities have been varied and numerous. Through their monthly programs, members have learned many things about homemaking, raising children, staying healthy, finances, gardening and living in today’s modern world.

They were volunteers in the community and have done a great deal of charity work in 60 years. They enjoyed entering projects in the Bartholomew County 4-H Fair and hostessing in the Women’s Building. They had many outings, including yearly trips to the Indianapolis Decorator Home Show, and, beginning with their 20th anniversary, members have taken a weekend trip every 10 years. Because of the pandemic, the club will not be going on a 2020 anniversary trip.

At the luncheon, club members expressed their thankfulness for all the years of fun and friendship through the Bartholomew County Extension Homemaker’s program. The FGCs will continue to meet on the second Thursday of each month and will welcome anyone who would like to join them. Anyone interested in more information may contact a club member or the Purdue Extension Office at 812-379-1665.