From: Rick Eikenbary
Conservatives are by nature actually far more liberal than liberals.
Think about it.
Liberals demand that everyone adopt their ideology, they want to force their agendas on everyone regardless of one’s personal beliefs, and they taint you as wrong or bad if you don’t agree with them. They believe everyone should think the same. They want to dictate what you can and cannot do, when or how you can do it, and they demand you pay their way to remove your rights.
Liberals tell you what you are allowed to think, and if you don’t adhere, you are nothing short of a criminal. They accuse everyone else of narrow-minded thinking when theirs is the narrowest of all. A crafty liar can make others believe that they are the only ones telling the truth. A crafty radical liberal can brand themselves as a moderate to get elected, and once in power they wreak havoc on freedom.
Conservatives, on the other hand, allow people the freedom to either fail or succeed based on their own merits. The key word being freedom. For those with no aspirations, failure can be a choice, but the choice is theirs to make freely. For those who want to build and grow and succeed, they are actually allowed to do so.
It’s not a crime to work hard and succeed, though liberals would have you believe that it is.
Drastically raising taxes on corporations only leads them to take their businesses and their jobs out of the country to survive. What happens next? Unemployment spirals out of control, and those still working are forced to pay more than they should to make up for the loss of tax revenue from the unemployed. They have less to spend, and the economy shrinks further. We have seen it time and again, yet no one seems to learn. We continue to believe the lie.
A vote for liberalism is a vote for socialism and ultimately communism. Go ahead and eat the fruit; you will not surely die. Then it begins. That’s how deception works. It looks harmless. It sounds great. But the evil is hidden. This is how dictatorships begin.
I want my sons to grow up to know freedom. It’s disturbing to see a minority of radicals determined to remove our freedom, and it truly breaks my heart to see Americans duped into thinking it’s a good idea. Please think before you vote. Being American means fighting ridicule to protect freedom. That’s what our founding fathers would have done. Never forget they fled oppression to find freedom. Let’s not just hand over freedom in a quest for change. There is often no going back.
Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. It is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.