Readers of The Republic are in for a new experience. On Monday, our e-edition newspaper will take on a more robust look delivering additional features to enhance the experience.
And, apps are back. Readers have noticed our newspaper apps were not supported for several years. On Monday, readers will be able to find their local newspaper app in either Apple or Google’s app store.
Most readers will be able to navigate the new edition with no, or very little trouble once they become accustomed to its features. We realize though, change can be confusing sometimes. To help, a tutorial will be available. The tutorial can be found as a link on the e-edition drop down tab found in menu bars of home page.
In addition, circulation and customer service personnel have received training to assist readers access and enjoy this new experience.
Readers will still be able to enjoy the same page-to-page view they’ve become accustomed to reading e-editions. However, it is now possible to more efficiently access content by clicking on headlines and sections of the newspaper and going directly to a story/section directly without scrolling page-by-page.
The new, improved e-edition and app are just a couple of ways The Republic works to deliver the award-winning journalism readers have come to expect from their hometown newspaper.