City buildings to be closed to the public due to COVID-19

Columbus City Hall’s front entrance. Chet Strange | The Republic

COLUMBUS, Ind. — Due to the recent spike in COVID cases in Bartholomew County and Indiana,  most city of Columbus buildings will be closed to the public beginning Monday through Sunday, Nov. 29, the city announced.

The decision will be revisited after that depending on the level of community spread, city officials said.

City business will continue to be transacted; employees will continue to work and
answer phones and emails, and will meet with members of the public by appointment

Meetings will be virtual for the remainder of November, which includes the November
meetings for City Council, the Board of Works and Public Safety, City Utilities Board,
Human Rights Commission, Redevelopment Commission and the Board of Zoning
Appeals. The meetings will be live-streamed and available via WebEx.

This move is to protect employees’ health and safety, as well as for members of the
public. The following details how each building will be affected:
1. City Hall and Police Office Building closed – appointment only;
2. Animal Care Building closed – appointment only;
3. Donner Center Building closed – appointment only;
4. Utilities Building closed – appointment only; Drive-through open;
5. Fire Stations – closed to public;
6. Hamilton Center – open for use;
7. DPW Building – closed to the public;
8. Transit – buses will continue to run as normal;
9. Parks Open
10. Aviation offices closed – appointment only;

Mayor Jim Lienhoop urges members of the public to take the recent surge of the virus
seriously and follow the guidelines laid out by the CDC and State of Indiana. Masks,
social distancing, good hygiene and avoiding crowds and groups is key to protecting the
community’s health and economy.

For more on this story, see Saturday’s Republic.