Orchids to …
• Santa for writing a letter back to Aidan and Nadia, from Erika.
• Brenda and Tom Sprague for the wonderful food and cookies, from Dave and Mary Ann.
• all the frontline workers in the fight against the pandemic.
• the Salvation Army bell ringers — I’m always glad to open my wallet.
• the wonderful family on Monday that helped me in line at Kohl’s when I was really out of breath.
• Taulman Farms for the wonderful Christmas display and all their neighbors for putting up with all the traffic.
• all the Republicans who are standing ready to fight for what is right.
• Lowell Daffron for the hole-in-one at Greenbelt yesterday, from Matt, George, and Andy.
• President Trump for holding the COVID-19 bill back and telling Congress to write a better bill.
• R.A. Betz and his grandson, Ian, for the beautiful bench they made for my entryway.
• Mill Race Center staff for the wonderful Christmas programs on YouTube.
• a Merry Christmas, from John Tinkey.
Onions to …
• the administration that doesn’t know how to schedule classes.
• school administrators that choose to be followers rather than leaders in the fight against a pandemic.
• opening schools when the local newspaper reports that local health officials are concerned about a surge on top of a surge.
• the federal elected official and his administration for letting their guard down to cyber attacks.
• anyone that agrees with the stimulus package.
• anyone still insisting on not wearing a mask.
• the elected official that pardoned criminals.
• the school leader for the not-so-merry gift of course work over winter break.
• the federal elected official that didn’t take the virus seriously, but was first in line to get the vaccine.
• the elected official that pardoned corrupt cronies.
• the false claim that excess mailing ballots were sent to people who requested them.
• people that are going to celebrate Christmas even if it kills them and others.
• the elected official that pardoned murderers and liars.
Happy Birthday to …
• Nikki Burton, from your family and Donna.
• Aaron Todd Compton, from Mom, Jack, Granny, and family.
• Ashlynn Dunham on No. 13, from Pappy, Mom, Nana, and all your family.
• Mary Lou Walker, from Sue Romine.
• Shirley Trapp, from Sue Romine.
• Ruth Moffatt, wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother, from Jack Moffatt and family.
• ANOTHER beautiful morning