Around Town – March 12

Orchids to …

• President Biden and those members of the House and Senate who helped millions of hungry, worried, and desperate Americans this week with the relief bill.

• Greg Dinkens for his spot-on letter.

• Rep. Greg Pence for voting against burdening our children and grandchildren with trillions of dollars of debt.

• radio station 106.1 for adding the song and performer name to the screen on my car!

• Matt at Lowe’s plumbing section for his assistance in purchasing a new item, from his valuable advice to putting it in my truck, from Stuart.

• the political party who cares more about children than corporations.

• President Joe Biden and the Democrats for passing the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill.

• Lincoln Central Neighborhood, Randy Allman, and Diane Doup for helping us with our project, from the Perry’s.

• St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Pastor Teike for a wonderful message on Sunday, what a blessing.

• Cheryl at Cork Liquors for always being so kind and helpful.

• Pastor Teike for a meaningful Lenten message this week, from the Apple’s.

• the Republic for its article about Rep. Greg Pence voting against the COVID-19 relief bill, designed to help most Americans, but noting $80,000 for paycheck protection went for his family-related business.

• the sassy finger-snappin’ ladies bringing the most attitude with their head shaking, hip holding, wine and beer sipping at the high top in the bar.

Onions to …

• those blaming the political party for not reaching across the aisle when it was an earlier federal elected official who brought in this era of pouting rather than working together.

• the inevitable complaints about the upcoming time change.

• having my choice canceled, so I could buy the “50 Shades of” whatever book series, by E. L. James, but not “If I Ran the Zoo,” plus five more books by Dr. Seuss.

• the political party who wouldn’t vote to support the American people, support is a two-way street.

• our state and local elected officials who voted for tax breaks for the wealthy and against a relief bill that helps the rest of us.

• the ex-federal elected official who claims he’s the leader of his party yet wants them to stop fundraising using his name and image.

• young people who don’t know anything.

• the local representative who votes against anything that is good for Americans such as COVID-19 relief and benefits for veterans.

• people who still believe that being a refugee equals illegal immigrant.

• the ageist who demeaned the elderly regarding cellphone use.

• young people who know too well how to use a cell phone, but comment on older folks when it’s none of their business.

• the political party that thinks a $1.9 trillion dollar tax cut for the 1% didn’t do damage to the national debt, which it did, but a $1.9 trillion dollar rescue package does.

• our state representatives planning to give an additional $144 million dollars to private school voucher programs, taking it away from public schools.

• the political party that has lost its way and no longer stands up for people of color, or women or democracy.

• the political party in the state making segregationists proud by rolling back voting access.

• the people who are still blaming the ex-federal elected official when he’s been out of office.

• allowing fireworks at certain times and dates.

• a rude employee at a parts store.

• conservatives using public money for rich private schools based on religion.

• the elected official who voted against the stimulus package for Americans but accepted almost $80,000 for a family business from the paycheck protection program.

Happy Birthday to …

• John and Michael Shireman, from John Tinkey.

• Lingjie Zhao from your family, co-workers and Donna.

• Shoki Sato from your family and Donna.

• Kyle Littell on the big “40,” from Mike and Gail Littell.

• Kim Milligan, love your husband Paul Milligan.

• Sue Morgan, from Donnie Wayne, Junior, Jacob, Tiffany, Roger Sr., Wilma, Roger Jr., Dawn, and family and friends.

ANOTHER beautiful morning