• March 13
Orchids to …
• Kathy at the Kroger pharmacy for being so friendly and helpful.
• President Joe Biden who actually cares about the American people based on his response to increasing vaccinations and providing financial support to the American people at this difficult time.
• our state representatives who understand that private schools educate citizens, meeting the definition of public education.
• President Joe Biden who governs with competency, compassion and truth.
• President Joe Biden for obtaining an additional 100 million vaccines, enough that every adult who wants a vaccine can be vaccinated by the end of May.
• President Joe Biden for proving to be a very great leader for our country.
• Grant Voelz for your kindness.
• Musillami’s drive-in for being open, you have the best pizza burgers and onion rings.
• the ER nurses who took care of my husband Thursday morning, you did a great job, thank you, from another employee.
• Pastor Larry Isbel for giving thoughtful and interesting messages on all Wednesday evening lantern services at First Lutheran Church.
• Rep. Greg Pence and the rest of the House Republicans for voting against the relief bill.
• getting to a good spot to enjoy the night sky without being hindered by light pollution.
Onions to …
• people who are rapidly running out of excuses to return to work.
• the former federal elected official who refused to take the virus seriously, resulting in thousands dying and suffering needlessly.
• young people who can’t function without a phone.
• a government leader dangling a carrot in front of people saying if you do what we say for another four months we might let you get together with your families in your backyard.
• those tone-deaf elected officials who voted against pandemic relief because playing politics is more important than helping Americans in need.
• supervisor who complains about pay yet makes more than those that worked here before and trained the person but gets no credit.
• public agency for appointing people to positions they have neither earned nor deserve because they can’t handle conflict.
• those who pretend to be your friend but just stab you in the back and use you to get ahead.
• the political party that is still trying to give aid and comfort to the insurrectionists.
• the federally elected local representative who continues to put party over people.
• people who think they can’t survive without their cell phone.
• the political party that cares for corporations and restricting voting for citizens over everything else.
• the political party destroying our country.
• the business owner who does not return phone calls.
• those crying the same old song and dance about the debt.
• those spending our tax dollars on their religion.
• those not believing in the safety of the vaccine, knowing that it wouldn’t be given to doctors and nurses and all the young people if it was unsafe.
• those who remember the former leader blaming his predecessor for so many things.
• the political party only concerned with deficits when they aren’t in control.
• the federal elected official stealing credit for the successes from his predecessor.
• anyone who thinks a political party that favors unrestricted abortion cares about children.
• representatives not voting for the relief package.
• the basketball team for another disappointing season.
Happy Birthday to …
• Kayla Miller, love you! from Nana.
• Tyler Pendleton, from your family, co-workers and Donna.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Patrick and Lori McQueen, from Mom McQueen.