• March 18
Orchids to …
• Angela Fleetwood for her letter.
• Angela Fleetwood for a well-thought out letter.
• 76% of the American people being in favor of and approving of the American Rescue plan that Congress just voted into action.
• John Krull and his excellent article about Dan Quayle.
• Keith at Auto Zone for putting my windshield wiper blades on even without being asked to do so, and did so in a very efficient manner.
• our mail lady on Nicholas Lane for making an extra stop to get my outgoing mail when I missed her.
• Debra Greene for bringing lunch and running the vacuum for me last Friday, love Mom.
Onions to …
• not allowing grocery store workers who have worked nonstop during the pandemic to get vaccinated.
• those who can’t think of a better use of their money than spending thousands on a decorated rifle.
• actually believing the former federal elected official was a good person.
• Border Patrol and ICE for working to hurt the current administration.
• those who still don’t know the difference between absentee voting and mail-in ballots.
• the letter writer who doesn’t know John Adams was a deist, believing in God but rejecting the core beliefs of Christianity.
• calling for evangelicals to rise up and support a heathen and criminal because their votes are what got us into this mess four years ago.
• those bellyaching about the border when former federal official had four years to do something about it and could only figure out how to separate children from their parents.
• local residents who witnessed or participated in the Capitol insurrection who haven’t contacted the FBI.
• the public television network presenting propaganda described as documentaries.