Hope opens its newly renovated town square

HOPE – The town of Hope reopened its town square Wednesday, after months of being closed to rejuvenate from a $437,500 refresh and renovation.

The park has been closed since July. Town council members had been hesitant to reopen the square after spring arrived because there were still patches where new grass was not developing as well as expected, Hope Utilities superintendent David Clouse said.

But during Tuesday’s monthly town council meeting, Clouse reported the grass has finally firmed up enough to handle minor foot traffic.

While walking through wet snow at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Town Marshal Matt Tallent took down the tape that has kept the town square off limits to the public, he said.

Improvements include the replacement of 43 streetlights with black posts and globes that utilize LED lights. Workers have also installed concrete pathways, as well as specially-designed park benches and receptacles. In addition, new roofs have been placed on both the shelterhouse and bandstand. Much of the new infrastructure now meets Americans With Disabilities standards.

For the complete story, see Thursday’s Republic.