Letter: There is hope for future of GOP leadership


From: Judy McCormick


I’m writing this letter in response and agreement with Mark Franke’s editorial in the Saturday, April 24 Republic titled, “Not Your grandfather’s GOP.”

His next to the last paragraph was, “The GOP’s problem is that it doesn’t have a Ronald Reagan to unify the party and lead it at the national level.”

I encourage all readers to listen to Margaret Hoover’s interview with Adam Kinzinger on Sunday, April 25 (Google “WFYI interview with Adam Kinzinger”) through PBS.

Kinzinger is the congressional representative for the 16th District in Illinois. While having no aspirations of a state, much less national political office, Kinzinger represents what I would hope is the future of the Republican Party.

He is one of the Republicans who voted to impeach President Donald Trump and restore the GOP. In his opinion, a “Conservative” is one who believes “a kid born in the inner city of Chicago has the same chance as one from a wealthy suburb.”

All the other stuff we debate about are just tactics to get to that goal. He has, and continues to refute the “conspiracy” theories of the radical groups now associated with the Republican Party. He doesn’t think Democrats are evil, but just have different ways of doing things. He believes the leader of our country’s first responsibility is to be “clear and honest, and tell the truth.”

At the same time, Kinzinger thinks it is the responsibility of the American people to decipher truth from misinformation. Unfortunately, those promoting the “crazy stuff” (inciting anger and hate) are raising more money than he is, but he is not worried about the money, and, even if he loses his seat representing the 16th District in Illinois, he will always speak his “conscience.”

He firmly believes all he fought for in the Marines and the values he holds dear for his family will be lost if he doesn’t.

Kinzinger definitely feels as if he is the “David” of the David and Goliath story, but he says, “You know who won that battle.” He insists the battle is in the “hearts of the people who call themselves Republicans.”

As for myself, Kinzinger is a breath of fresh air in the Republican Party around whom more people (Democrats and Republicans) need to rally.

Unfortunately, I don’t think he can accomplish his goal of reforming the Republican Party with only a seat in the House of Representatives, although, if Indiana’s representatives would get on his bandwagon, as well as all the other Republican representatives as well as senators, and, most importantly, Republican voters, who knows?

No, we don’t have Ronald Reagan, but we do have Adam Kinzinger!