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Nominees sought for rural preservation
Indiana Landmarks and Indiana Farm Bureau are seeking nominations for the 2021 John Arnold Award for Rural Preservation.
The award recognizes the preservation and continued used of historic farm buildings in Indiana. Since it was established in 1992, owners of 30 historic farms have been honored.
Anyone, including farm owners, may submit a nomination. It should include a brief history of the farm and description of its significant historic structures, a description of how the structures are used in day-to-day farming, and photographs of the farm and its historic features. Historic images are also welcome.
The award winner receives and outdoor marker and is featured in Indiana Preservation magazine.
The award is in memory of the late John Arnold, a Rush County farmer who successfully combined progressive architectural practices with a deep respect for the natural and historic features of the rural landscape.
The 2020 award went to Stream Cliff Farm outside Commiskey in Jennings County.
Nominations may be submitted at indianalandmarks.org/john-arnold-award-rural-preservation or call 812-232-45434. Deadline for nominations is June 5.