Orchids to …
• Elaine Hilber for being brave, doing the right thing, and for being a fiscally responsible city leader in Columbus.
• Eric from Jason McCord Plumbing for quickly taking care of our plumbing issues, great work, thanks!
• President Joe Biden who has the courage to tell Putin to be careful with cyber attacks and election meddling or retaliation could be nasty.
• everyone who stopped as we took our precious mother to the cemetery on Tuesday morning.
• Michael Day’s spot-on letter.
• Elaine Hilber for her “no” vote, do something important with Donner and skip another sporting facility!
• Michael Day’s spot-on letter, add seat belts too!
• the wonderful staff and volunteers at CCC for putting on an amazing VBS!
• the city garage for the mulch and compost for the gardeners.
• the men who cut our grass and drive the trash trucks, you are all greatly appreciated.
• President Joe Biden’s trip to the G7 and NATO and letting the world know that America is back.
• Texas for building the wall.
• the daily Christian music that is played at the flea market in Columbus, it is beautiful.
• Hector at Bakery La Azteca for his thoughtfulness and kindness to the gentleman on Forest Drive.
• Michael Day for your excellent letter to the editor, I hope everyone followed your advice.
Onions to …
• the city elected official who attacked a fellow official for exercising her right to vote however she felt was best for the city and its taxpayers.
• those voting to dump another $2.65 million into an abandoned mall.
• the county fair, which adopted a smoke-free event before any other county in the state, going backwards by allowing smoking this year.
• the former federal elected official and the money he bilked from supporters, if he again regains power, their investment accounts are his next target.
• the families that see school as a me-or-you world, school is a me-and-you world working together safely, respectfully and responsibly.
• those who blame the previous executive leader for his narcissism when we really don’t have control of how we develop in our youth.
• the antivaxers, maybe we should just lock them all up until they figure out it’s not all about them.
• parents complaining about school mask mandates, it’s not a big deal to the students, stop making it a big deal.
• the city that got $16 million and won’t use that to fix the sewer issues but instead raise our rates.
• parents who challenge the mask mandate not understanding not everyone can get the shot and need others to mask up due to health reasons.
• those who don’t understand caring for others never hurt anyone as this virus does.
• the former federal elected official for misleading so many people.
• the person who has a very vulgar and disrespectful sign in their yard about our federal elected officials.
• the federal elected official that attended the former guy’s birthday party.
• whoever designed the playgrounds that are too hot to play on.
• our federal government not protecting our U.S. citizens on the southern border.
• the federal elected official letting another country’s president push him around.
• the driver of the local merchant’s van who blatantly ran the stoplight on Thursday morning.
• the congressman refusing to shake hands with a D.C. police officer who was beaten and suffered a traumatic brain injury in the Capitol attack.
Happy Birthday to …
• Ann Arterburn, from your friends at Bethel Baptist Church.
• Jalen Simmons, from Mom, Papaw, Mamaw, your aunts and uncles, and all your family.
• Becky Church, happy birthday beautiful, love Mother and Dad.
• Louise Lindsey, from your family and Donna.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Michelle and Todd Fortini, from your family and Donna.
• ANOTHER beautiful morning