Ask A Pro: What is the best way to use digital marketing for recruitment?

In today’s ever-changing landscape of how to get in front of potential employees, you have to think outside of the box. Employers need new recruitment marketing ideas because the old way of traditional advertising simply doesn’t work anymore. Today’s job seekers discover and consider employers the same way consumers find products and services. Through searching online, following social media and reading reviews, candidates can become aware of an employer and its career opportunities. What they learn about a company’s mission and culture can influence a candidate’s decision to apply for a job and accept an offer for employment, or form a negative perception and become a brand detractor.

We’ve all done job boards and print advertising. But job boards are inundated with job postings, while print advertising is great for a local market, but what about those remote positions with talent outside the local market? We have utilized social media advertising like Facebook, but as many HR Directors have experienced, you get a large quantity of applicants, but the quality isn’t there. LinkedIn has become the go-to network for recruitment and finding candidates on a social platform.

But recruitment advertising is so much more than just placing an ad or job posting. In today’s society, job seekers are looking for more. Such as, work and life balance, schedule flexibility, work environment, and missions and philosophies. Companies have to look at their social media threads and websites for content messaging. What is it really like to work for and represent your company?

With digital recruitment marketing, you have to look at everything from a 30,000-foot view. You want to bring value and communication throughout the candidates experience to have them choose to work for you. Think about your social media feed, Facebook, Insta and LinkedIn, what is the message and feel of your website, is it user friendly? Is it easy to share their resume or cover letter? Remove unnecessary qualifying questions or tests, provide pertinent information they need to follow through the application.

We always suggest targeted display advertising, social media advertising – linking to your website’s career page, utilizing your own channels and search engine marketing. Also, make sure retargeting is on your site to bring the candidate back if they didn’t finish filling out the application.