Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.
Orchids to
returning to the original Pledge of Allegiance, one nation – indivisible, not divided by religious beliefs.
Doug Showalter for his spot on, excellent, and truthful letter about Greg Pence.
Doug Showalter for a spot on letter about Rep. Greg Pence! from Lee.
Doug Showalter for his letter which informed voters should see as a call-to-action.
The Republic for opposing efforts by some politicians to censor teaching in our schools and materials in our library.
Doug Showalter for a well-written letter about someone who takes credit for other’s hard work while doing nothing to improve our lives.
Doug Showalter for his spot-on letter about the hypocrisy lived by our congressional representative.
The Republic editorial staff for a great editorial regarding censorship, we must fight authoritarian bills which threaten democracy.
Doug Showalter for his letter regarding Rep. Pence’s hypocritical stance, we’ll remember come poll time.
the excellent Wednesday editorial testifying to the need to always support our First Amendment rights.
understanding global inflation is due to corporate greed, corporations with record profits still increasing prices — not the administration.
Doug Showalter for his spot-on letter regarding the local representative who talks out of both sides of his mouth.
Doug Showalter for calling for a candidate who will work for the people, not for their own interests.
the editorial rebuking the Indiana legislature pushing laws against the First Amendment.
those who know the Keystone Pipeline was never about bringing fuel to America.
the Wednesday Republic opinion page, it was all great!
Deborah Wolfe for returning my trash cans to the garage, from Peggy.
Onions to
the car that ran the light at Middle Road and Rocky Ford on Monday afternoon.
the driver that turned on a red turn arrow before it turned green on Monday.
the ex-federal elected official praising the Russian president for invading a sovereign country.
an administration worried about the Ukrainian border but not our own.
going from energy independent, to facing even higher energy costs while importing millions of barrels from Russia.
thinking that what’s happening in Ukraine does not affect our national and security interests.
state lawmakers not listening to the people they are supposed to represent, this current legislature is a farce.
not realizing that poor attendance might not be pandemic-related but because there was no art to see!
those that submit views that have no idea or truth of what they write about.
sticking it out with the dentist for giving one raise in 16 years.
the person who killed the pipeline, hindering domestic drilling and fracking, making the U.S. dependent on crude oil and driving up gas prices.
all those complaining about the past elected official, he wasn’t perfect but he gave us plenty.
the former leader who praised the foreign autocrat’s action as a “genius” for his invasion of a democratic country.
Happy Birthday to
Susan Staley, from your family and Donna.
Hugo Trexia, from your family and Donna.
Clyde Hatton, from your family, Annette, Debbie and Donna.
Joe Stevens on No. 80, love your family!
Judy Murphy, honest and thoughtful, from your brother.
Happy Anniversary to
Mike and Rebecca Kirsch, from your family and Donna.
ANOTHER beautiful morning
Around Town numbers: Orchids: 812-375-5280, Anniversaries: 812-375-5281, Birthdays: 812-375-5282 and Onions: 812-375-5283, email [email protected]. For next day publication of birthdays, anniversaries, Orchids and Onions, please call or email before noon. Onions are not published on Sundays or Mondays. First and last names must be used for birthdays and anniversaries. Funeral-related Orchids not accepted.