Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.
Orchids to
Columbus for the Taylor Road project attempting to slow traffic, reduce reckless driving and keep commercial traffic out of residential neighborhoods.
Ryan Lauer for defending and supporting our girls high school sports in Indiana.
Bill Nash for his outstanding commentary! You have my vote for a return to common sense legislation and focusing on the real issues!
Bill Nash again and again and again!
Bill Nash for supporting Indiana teachers!
Mark Gorbett, Scott Bonnell, and Jorge Morales, thank you for voting for salary increases for us, from a lower paid county employee.
Bill Nash for publicly taking a stance for pro-choice in opposition of the very verbal minority of abortion abolitionists.
local churches that provide people every day with a free meal.
Lara Hunt for going out of her way to make sure this Mom got copies of her son’s Design an Ad, from Amanda Darlage.
the Kessler family, Linda Elmerick and our Harrison Lake neighbors for finding and returning our dear cat Boots!
Oklahoma’s governor for signing a bill into law making it a felony to perform an abortion unless the mother’s life is a stake.
Bill Nash for fact-based ads and the reminder that legislation should be based on the Constitution, not religious beliefs.
Bill Nash for upholding our American principles found in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
the great editorial page on Thursday, from Sheila.
Bill Nash for his two great ads in Thursday’s edition.
Onions to
anybody who thinks God is a Republican.
not understanding the editorial cartoon was about gas guzzling vehicles in general, not just trucks.
county official needing to remember the main ingredient in Kool-Aid is water, it takes time for the cult to drink the Kool-Aid.
not realizing that improved access to health care and care for the least among us will reduce the need for abortion.
the infuriating editorial in Wednesday’s paper.
law enforcement for doing little to stop speeding and reckless driving.
the county officials who are depriving employees of a fair wage because they are afraid of losing votes.
those claiming they want to be a solution but are not driving electric cars or having solar panels on their house.
running for county offices knowing what the wages are and wanting a raise once getting there.
the rude people calling from a political party asking who you are voting for.
3 ½ more years of this.
the donkey masquerading in elephant’s clothing.
the governor of Texas, a true genius!
the candidate for equating opinions expressed by Christians as slavish and authoritarian.
Happy Birthday to
Wade Hooten, from Mom.
Wanda Mcholland, from Luretta and Thai.