Around Town – Feb. 7

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Feb. 7

Orchids to

the great photo of the castle by Scott Saddler in Sunday’s paper.

the senior volleyball players that come play every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at FFY.

Brett Cruser for grabbing and delivering the “lost” pup to his home, ensuring that no children were startled or frightened, W. D. Richards Elementary staff.

President Joe Biden for considering first the safety of the American citizens and then shooting down the Chinese balloon and recovering all possible information.

Bartholomew County Health Department for the recent insert in The Republic regarding all the services they provide to the county.

Scott Saddler for the Sunday picture of the castle in Ireland, from a descendant of the clan.

President Joe Biden for shooting down the Chinese balloon over the ocean so no civilians were hurt and using technology to be sure no data could be picked up by the Chinese.

the staff at Sandcrest Dental office for the flowers.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for removing some from assigned committees and explicitly explaining why they could be considered security risks.

The Republic and its efforts to obtain information from the county official who continues to demonstrate either a willful lack of transparency, spite or laziness.

Onions to

the current administration doing nothing about the dangerous surveillance of our country by a foreign adversary other than calling it “unacceptable.”

the phony hall of fame that continues to nominate and install friends and family ahead of more deserving people.

the video programming distributor for removing Newsmax from its available channels, limiting conservative news even more.

the political party touting racist policies and turning to fascism.

the current administration for allowing a foreign spy balloon to invade our airspace and travel across the U.S. unhampered. What comes next?

doing nothing beyond finally eliminating the days-long accumulation of our critical military information by a foreign adversary.

politicians who think it is “in” to wear an assault rifle shaped lapel pin after so many mass shootings.

cartoon in Sunday’s paper because pro-abortion and pro-gun control don’t match either.

dereliction of duty for the spy balloon crossing the U.S. for a week before being shot down once the damage was done.

companies that sell nothing but snake oil.

the gaslighting federal administration.

the former federal elected official who watched the Chinese balloons go by and did nothing.

the people who will not mind their own business.

this administration for shooting down a spy balloon after the spying was completed.

having Christmas lights on Washington Street in February.

defense officials who allowed the foreign balloon to accumulate intelligence information from our bases before shooting it down.

whoever thinks pro-life and pro-gun go together.

Happy Birthday to

Logan Cline, from your family and Donna.

Julie, from Mom and Dad!

Julie Greene, love from Grandma Judy and Pap-paw Tom!

Kara Dillion on No. 41, from Mom.

Happy Anniversary to

Troy and Sarah Bishop, from Mama Lu.