Around Town – Feb. 21

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Feb. 21

Orchids to

former President Jimmy Carter, an outstanding human being, a Nobel Peace prize recipient, but unfortunately never fully appreciated in his own country.

the CSO for its outstanding concert on Sunday afternoon with the Laura Andrews String Studio and the Dance Street Studio Dancers.

Dr. Feldman on pointing out the difference between MDs and APRNs.

the no book banning editorial in Sunday’s paper!

Mark Stewart for acknowledging that there are historical facts he was not taught because of the white washing of history.

the new St. Peter’s worship leader who wrote a new song that the team played for both weekend contemporary services.

those responsible for replacing the tattered American flag at the New Harmony Cemetery.

President Carter, a great man, but way too honest to succeed in politics.

Jimmy Carter, who has shown exemplary leadership and behavior throughout his life.

Brian Blair for reporting on the racial inequities that emerged during the United Way racial wealth gap simulation.

Onions to

more guns, more slaughter and all the while our representatives fully support the right for all to bear arms.

school corporations who preach about being fair but allow two local schools to hand pick their students.

the columnist who seems to forget California has the “best” gun control laws and yet some of the most dangerous cities to live in.

a 30-plus-year tradition erased in three months.

our country losing a bit of its heart and soul as each day passes because we have lost our way and too few care.

referencing the Bible in such a hateful opinion piece about one person.

thinking kids who aren’t yours should be able to read whatever they want because what’s the worst that could happen to them?

former school board candidate who still thinks he should dictate to all of us, including children, what can or cannot be read in a school or public library.

people who need to grow up and educate themselves, in a free country you can’t force your opinions on everyone else!

college coaches who were dressed like highway workers.

local preschool who have too many children in extended care causing stress on workers.

local jail for using taxpayer’s money to pay for tablets for inmates but not giving them to inmates.

official for trying to wiggle out of subpoena to which any law-abiding citizen would comply.

not realizing you were not responsible for the history of 300 years ago so you shouldn’t feel any shame, but might want to feel shame and disgust for what’s happening today.

having multiple pictures of North losing a basketball game but nothing for East winning.

the editorial’s effect on the discussion about “possibly problematic” books in school libraries.

Happy Birthday to

Greg Stein, from your family, co-workers and Donna.

Kathy Henry, from your family and Donna.

Kay Richards, from everyone who loves you!