With Father’s Day right around the corner, many sons and daughters are stressing about what to give dad on his day. Thoughts of what to buy the guy who already has everything, too often clouds good judgement when it comes to gift giving. As a father of two, I promise you nothing could be more meaningful than the simple gifts of time and attention. This Father’s Day, just take your dad fishing.
Most dads don’t need another coffee cup or box of golf balls. While any gift is a nice gesture, I don’t know many dads who wouldn’t trade an object for time spent with their children. With my own daughters reaching young adulthood, their schedules have become more and more full each year. As they launch into their lives, I’m left with mixed emotions. Pride, first and foremost, as both Bailee and Annabel have matured into exceptional young women. Yet sadness, as well, because all those people who told me 20 years ago, “it goes in the blink of an eye,” were right.
I don’t know where the years have gone. My two little girls, who used to fish with pink Barbie poles, are grown. While I don’t feel the years slipped by without significant attention given to spending time together, looking back, I wish it had been more. With time becoming more precious each year, us dads look for opportunities to spend time with our children. As we reverse roles and become the ones who must fit into their schedules, it’s incredibly nice when our children take the initiative to spend time with us.
The Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF) recognizes the value of fathers spending time with their children on the water. The organization exists to encourage people to enjoy boating and fishing. Historically, fishing has been a male-dominated sport. Thankfully, we are seeing that change in modern times. The RBFF is working to accelerate this change and recently announced its new Take Me Fishing Second Catch campaign aimed at encouraging fathers and daughters to reconnect on the water this Father’s Day and throughout the summer season.
“Research tells us women who fish have significantly greater grit, confidence and self-esteem than women who don’t. But it also shows girls stop fishing at an 11% higher rate than boys, and often feel excluded from fishing and boating trips,” said RBFF Senior Director of Consumer Marketing & Communications Rachel Piacenza. “Second Catch encourages girls and women to get back on the water to continue building their confidence through adolescence and beyond!”
Statistics provided by RDFF show almost half of women who fish believe fishing teaches them patience and helps develop their confidence. Women who fish have greater perseverance and higher self-esteem than women who don’t. Women and girls can boost their mental and emotional well-being and improve their quality of life through fishing.
“Fishing and boating participation is everyone’s business, from state agencies, to fishing and boating manufacturers, retailers and more,” said RBFF President & CEO Dave Chanda. “We’re pleased to share this inspiring research-driven campaign our stakeholders can activate at the local level. We’re also excited to see states and industry launching their own efforts to grow the sport.”
Don’t stress about what to buy your dad for Father’s Day. Just take him fishing. If fishing hasn’t been your dad’s thing, and you don’t know where to begin, explore Take Me Fishing online or contact your state fish and wildlife agency to see if they have any programs to help introduce people to fishing. You may also visit a local sporting goods store to get set up with the basic equipment and information you need to enjoy a day on the water.
The Take Me Fishing Second Catch campaign has a neat tool on their website you can use to send your dad an evite to go fishing this Father’s Day. Check it out at https://www.takemefishing.org/secondcatch/
See you down the trail….
Brandon Butler writes an outdoors column for The Republic. Send comments to [email protected]. For more Driftwood Outdoors, check out the podcast on www.driftwoodoutdoors.com or anywhere podcasts are streamed.