Letter: Residents petitioning for 4-way stop deserve better from county officials

From: Doug Logan


The article about the online petition for a four-way stop at county roads 100 South and 525 East (“Online petition seeks four-way stop at East County Road 100S and South County Road 525E”, therepublic.com, Aug. 1) brings a few thoughts to mind.

First, the drivers in the two accidents did not run the stop signs unintentionally. Officials are quite right that drivers need to pay attention. However, two fatal accidents at an intersection should tell us that something is wrong there. The county highway engineer needs to consider carefully whether the view of the stop sign is obstructed and whether the warning signs are adequate.

Second, the county commissioner’s quote is a really stupid thing to say. No one asks for “four-way stops at every intersection.” The people of Bartholomew County deserve a reasonable level of care from elected and appointed officials. That means, at the very least, considering changes that reasonable people would make at intersections that are known hazards.