Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.
Aug. 9
Orchids to
the VP candidate who served for six times longer than his opponent.
Rachel at Kroger for her help with the balloons for National Pickleball Day!
our police department for investigation the theft of my diamond wedding ring at Four Seasons Retirement.
Onions to
believing it’s radical to feed hungry children free breakfast and lunch, allowing people to be who they are and love who they love, allowing everyone their own health choices, and wanting the ultra rich to pay appropriate taxes.
the extreme radical left candidates of the Democrats.
the driver on Wednesday morning who honked at a school bus for following protocol at the railroad crossing.
those that are speeding and not stopping at stop signs in Mineral Springs.
the weird guys running on the GOP ticket.
anyone who does not realize that man does not give permission for people to use cannabis, God does.
the city official who should resign or be fired.
the guest columnist for again attacking a Republican candidate and the publications featuring his extremely and obviously biased viewpoint.
this administration for forcing the trucking and transportation industries into bankruptcy due to high fuel costs, high interest rates, and ridiculous emissions regulations.
political candidates who are deceptive about their past history.