Exterior painting work on The Cole will cause lane closures at times for the next six weeks in downtown Columbus.
The Board of Public Works and Safety approved a special right-of-way request from Holt Construction Group to allow man lifts on Brown, Jackson and Second streets in order to do the work.
The lane closures are to begin on Aug. 19 and will last to Sept. 30, although the closures will only affect one street at a time and will be on weekdays only. They’ll be in effect from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The streets listed below will have one lane closure during the project, each lasting 10days, according to documents submitted along with the special right-of-way request.
The special right-of-way request encompasses:
- Brown Street between 2nd and 3rd streets (two weeks, eastern-most lane only, traffic barricades at both ends)
- Second Street from Brown to Jackson Street (two weeks, northern-most lane, running east to west, traffic barricades at both ends)
- Jackson Street between Second and Third streets (two weeks, traffic barricades at both ends)