
19 vie for county 4-H fair queen title

Tayler Chandler Age: 19 Parents: Chris and Chena Chandler School: Sophomore at Indiana State University Future ambitions: Marketing major with a concentration in fashion or sports, to have...

Longtime family-owned greenhouse closing its landmark business

It’s easy to take a trusted friend for granted — until you know they are going away for good. After 31 years of helping customers...

Fowl play? Council votes to move chickens out of city limits

Chickens within the Columbus city limits could soon be forced to fly the coop if members of the Columbus City Council stand firm in...

Cummins’ Community-Wide Recycling Day accepting items all day

It's double-lane drop-off at Cummins' annual Community-Wide Recycling Day, the one day of the year where area residents can unload almost any hard-to-dispose of...

East senior finishes career on high note

As a three-sport athlete, Rhett Myers' time spent throwing the shot and discus usually was confined to the spring. But that didn't stop the Columbus...

TIF funds OK’d for schools

Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. could receive $750,000 from the city through tax increment financing funds if a recommendation by the Columbus Redevelopment Commission is...

Coroner waiting for toxicology results in suspect’s death

A ruling on a cause of death for an Edinburgh man who died after fleeing from Bartholomew County Sheriff's deputies by swimming across the...

City votes to ban chickens within Columbus city limits

Chickens within the Columbus city limits could soon be forced to fly the coop if members of the Columbus City Council stand firm in...

A brighter friendship

Friendship Alley in downtown Columbus is about to receive an extension and a facelift. Students in the Ivy Tech Community College Columbus School of Art...

Student named to state education commission

An Ivy Tech Community College Columbus student has been appointed to a two-year term on the Indiana Commission for Higher Education. Gov. Mike Pence appointed...