Local Opinion

Letter: Statistics suggest automobiles more dangerous than guns

From: Noel Taylor Columbus Wikipedia states,"'Lies, damned lies, and statistics' is a phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly...

Letter: Owsley family deserves answers

From: Shirley Ison Westport We have heard that what goes around comes around, right? Be it Paris Hilton or Britney...

Letter: Brown taking high road in mayoral race

From: Peggy Sallee Columbus The mayor’s race is in full swing, and unfortunately, it is politics as usual, with one...

Seek variety to hold attention span

Board books are for babies and toddlers. Picture books are for preschoolers. Easy readers, or beginning chapter books, are for early elementary school kids....

Letter: Get involved to curb animal euthanizations

From: Ashleigh Kuhl Greenwood, formerly of Bartholomew County Pets are for life. In the U.S. about 7 million...

Quick takes – March 28th

Walker’s award deserved It would be difficult to find a more deserving recipient of the Spirit of Special Olympics Indiana Officer Award...

Letter: Columbus needs return to statesmanship, civility

From: Jim Murray Columbus I am not a Columbus native but have lived and worked here for the past 24...

Will religious freedom bill have unintended consequence?

I don’t smoke marijuana because it dulls my hatred of people, and I have never been a very deeply religious person. My...

Letter: Candidate’s management style something good for city

From: Bud Herron Columbus I am a Democrat, and I live outside the city limits of Columbus, so I have...

A lesson in forgiveness: What it is, and what it’s not

“Resentment is like drinking poison — and expecting the other person to die.” — Paula Bloom It is not necessarily...