Sometimes silence really is golden
Whatever happened to “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”?
Today it seems like that age-old advice has...
It takes more than ideals: Learning to be citizen involves problem solving
The question usually comes toward the end of a public meeting. Some knotty problem is being discussed, and someone in the audience will raise...
Letter: Writer doesn’t wave 2nd Amendment banner
From: John Vanderbur
It is always a mistake to equate academic intelligence with wisdom. Examples: Vietnam and Iraq wars;...
Letter: Mayor deserves second term in office
From: Roger Johnson
Former Indiana state fire marshal (retired)
Over time it has been interesting to either...
Best Bet: Freedom concert, Easter egg hunt, Crooners for CASA
Spring has arrived, and with it a bumper crop of great things you can do.
For starters, what better way to welcome...
Letter: Update on rail, train improvements
From: Zack Ellison
Here is some information on local train delays, where we are and where we will be...
Close loophole on e-cigarettes, vaping
Proposed regulations for the liquids used in electronic cigarettes have advanced in the General Assembly, but significantly, “vaping” would not be added to the...
Campaign reflects community’s generosity
Bartholomew County residents, you deserve a pat on the back. You stepped up and made the local United Way’s latest fundraising campaign a record-smashing...
Southern Indiana not exempt from hatred
Two weeks ago, I drove to Indiana University’s Bloomington campus for a lecture by Tim Wise, a noted authority on the problem of racism...
Letter: Annex decision has familiar ring
From: John C. Walter
Terry Marbach's letter to the editor concerning the County Council's action regarding the funding of...