Letter: Co-op grocery an asset community can enjoy

From: Jan Lucas-Grimm


It was exciting to read about the capital campaign for the new Columbus Food Co-op. It is a great way to shop for food and can really be a hub for a community. Especially these days when there is so much to divide us — religion, politics, financial status, job status — a cooperative grocery can bring people together. It’s a unique shopping experience, more personal and community-minded than the big-box stores. I am thrilled that we will have this in our city. Food can be a great unifier. It is something everybody needs; and good, healthy food is something everyone deserves.

One of the unique things about the cooperative model is that the members actually own the store. (FYI: You don’t have to be a member to shop there.) By joining, members share in weekly discounts and have the opportunity to vote on certain issues and have their voices be heard.

At a time when childhood and adult obesity are still major health issues, as are diabetes and heart disease, just to name a few, it will be great to have a place where we can shop for healthy food that focuses on local purveyors and providers, a place where we can learn about our food, learn how to cook healthier, learn to shop healthier. Because the focus is on local providers, it provides a boost to the local economy as well.

Another great place for our great city!