Letter: Dell has proven record of commitment to city

From: Richard Stenner


I first met Tom Dell in 1989 when I moved to Columbus to work for City Hall and the Chamber of Commerce. I was fortunate that Tom had volunteered to serve in a leadership capacity on the Columbus 2000 steering committee that I reported to.

Over the next seven years, I observed Tom in variety of settings, working with other downtown businesses, with the public and with other community leaders, as the Columbus 2000 projects were completed. Here’s what I learned about Tom:

  • Tom is committed to Columbus, and cares deeply about the community’s future
  • He is insightful and has the ability to cut through clutter, right to the heart of a matter
  • Tom can help develop consensus around a shared vision of the future
  • He can lay out direction and the right steps to move toward that shared vision
  • Perhaps most importantly, Tom delivers on his promises — he does what he says he will do — even when it requires hard work

These are the reasons that I have volunteered to work on Tom’s campaign and why I hope that when you vote in this Nov. 3 City election, you’ll vote for Tom Dell in the City Council At-Large race. I know that he will add value to the work of our City Council and our city government.