Letter: Respect part of candidate’s approach to life, campaign

From: Sharon Krieg


On. Sept. 6, Bartholomew County Commissioner Rick Flohr was interviewed by Fox 59 News and asked about the situation with the county’s information technology department. He said, “It’s just a bunch of immature, honestly immature, entitled, cry baby young people. And the sad part of it is, they’ve spread hate and discontent all throughout the county government. A lot of elected officials believe that.”

I had to re-watch this segment of the news to make sure I had understood exactly what Flohr said. At first I was sure I was mistaken. Then it became apparent that I wasn’t.

While it is not unusual for politicians to say odd or insulting things, a real test of character is whether they admit it, apologize and try to clarify what they meant to say.

Unfortunately, Flohr’s comments seem to reveal contempt for county employees, and the kind of attitude that has produced a virtual deadlock in current discussions about the 2017 budget.

Brad Woodcock has years of experience working with a wide variety of people. Some of them are even young people. Brad is well-respected because he has and shows respect for others.

On Nov. 8, I will vote for Brad Woodcock for county commissioner.