Brian’s picks – November 24

Live nativities, though far less prevalent today than years ago when I wrote about houses of worship, still stop me in my tracks at Christmas. And really, I guess that’s the idea — to stop the madness for a moment and, in the hush, reflect on the spiritual season. So indulge me while I suggest St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church’s Living Nativity from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Dec. 2 on County Road 930 South in Waymansville. If you have children or grandchildren, all the better, since the kid-friendly gathering that attracts 600 or more people features King James the camel and a few of his critter peers. Plus, refreshments are served in the parish hall, where the children’s handbell group will play.

Cheryl Shireman need not remember what it’s like to be a kid at Christmas. She still is one, and nowhere is that more evident than at Holiday at the Farm, where she lights up like an elaborately bedecked tree. She and husband, Matt, and their friends offer horse-drawn wagon rides, winter wonderland walks, trick horse shows, a petting zoo, visits with Santa and other activities. Open 5 to 7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through Jan. 1, Shireman Homestead is located at 7060 W. County Road 200N, Columbus. Admission is $10. Information: