Letter: Thank you Columbus for being a pillar of support

From: Emily Garn Nasca

Chattanooga, Tennessee

I am the aunt of Abbott Garn. Words cannot begin to express my gratefulness to all of the people of Columbus. In a time when our country seems to be divided, you pushed up your sleeves and wrapped your arms around a family in need.

Thank you:

To the hundreds of people who visited the Garn family, in the days immediately following the accident, with food and gifts.

To the Columbus East High School students who came to visit and shared stories of Abbott; please keep visiting.

To the Brown County football moms who fed the family during almost six straight hours of visitation.

To the friends who came to take an 8-year-old girl shopping for funeral clothes.

For sharing #Chance for Abbott over 1,000 times.

To the East football moms who fed hundreds after the heartbreaking funeral.

To the East cheerleaders for showing support by putting Abbott Garn’s name on their hair bows.

To the neighbors who stopped their own lives, to step in and help the Garns with their lives.

To East High School for coming together and wearing Abbott’s favorite piece of clothing, a poncho.

For spending thousands of your own dollars for picture boards, wind chimes, garden stones, plants, cards, flowers and so much more.

To their house church for signing up to deliver dinners for the next three months.

For starting the Ella Garn Love Fund when people didn’t know how to make a little sister feel better.

Lastly, thank you to Adam and Jackie Garn for showing God’s grace to all they meet. You are the most amazing parents, and I am so proud of you.

Friends of Columbus, you are exactly what a city, a community is supposed to be — a support system.

So while I was feeling helpless in Chattanooga, Tennessee, my hometown of Columbus was taking care of everything.