Quick takes – May 6th

Buying in, selling out

The annual Child Abuse Prevention Adult Prom continues to be one of the most popular events among fundraisers conducted at The Commons.

The sellout event drew 650 people this year and generated $55,000, raising its five-year total to nearly $250,000.

Money raised from goes toward child abuse prevention programs overseen by the nonprofit Family Service Inc. of Columbus. The results are “music to the ears” of organizers.

Sound partnership

Columbus Police Department has added three members of the Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Department to the local SWAT team on a permanent basis, to help with tactical responses to emergency situations.

This is an effective and efficient use of law enforcement resources. While the city police department and county sheriff’s department were created under different structures, they share the same mission of ensuring the safety of residents. Using the tactical training of both officers and deputies should help ensure a strong response to certain types of critical situations, which residents expect.

Generous gift

Former Hauser business teacher Tesh Wickard, who died in 2014, left a gift of $2.3 million in an endowment to the Brown County Public Library.

Modernizing and revamping the checkout area at the front of the library is one of the planned uses for some of the endowment.

Wickard’s gift is a tremendous help to the library and a great show of support for literacy and education. That’s an appropriate legacy for an educator.