Letter: Dems love America, hate what it’s becoming under GOP leader

From: Kermet Merl Key


After reading Sherry Grimes’ letter to the editor on July 14, my eyes alone nearly rolled me out of bed. The premise of her letter was such that Democrats hate our country and should not hold any office anywhere, nor are those elected held accountable.

I find it gag-inducingly ironic considering that on July 13 an article from the Associated Press was released detailing how Republicans Mike and Greg Pence left Indiana on the hook for the damage done from a company Mike once worked at and Greg operated. The article states “Mike Pence, then a third-year congressman, lost more than $600,000 when the company (Kiel Bros. Oil. Co.) went under. He later became Indiana governor and now has assets worth between $532,000 and $1.13 million. Greg Pence, who is seeking the vice president’s old congressional seat, has total assets worth $5.7 to $26 million.” Meanwhile, taxpayers are paying to clean-up the damaged sites.

The article adds, “In the immediate aftermath of the bankruptcy, the state sought about $8.4 million from the company for cleanup and fines. After a new Republican governor, Mitch Daniels, assumed office in 2005, the state dropped that claim , which had been filed under Daniels’ Democratic predecessor, Gov. Joe Kernan. Having resigned as president of the company, Greg Pence wasn’t out of work for long. Within months, Daniels appointed him deputy commissioner of the Department of Environmental Management, the same agency fighting Kiel Bros. in court. Pence stepped down after only a few months, however, and returned to the petroleum business.”

Will Sherry hold Greg Pence accountable in November? How does one so filled with hate for those whom with they disagree hold elected officials accountable when there is only one choice on the ballot? Here in Bartholomew County, where House Pence reigns like wealthy lords of Westeros on Game of Thrones, every county courthouse office has a Republican running unopposed.

Democrats and Leftists do not hate America. We love what America once stood for and we’re appalled at what it is becoming. We got over the 2016 election (unlike Republicans whom never got over Hillary’s emails) but what we haven’t got over is the cult like worship Republicans have for a man that mocked a disabled person, spouts racism, advocates for war crimes, equates a woman’s worth to her appearance, demonstrably lies on a daily basis and kisses Putin’s rear while alienating NATO allies the same week that his own justice department indicted 12 Russian military intelligence officers for hacking the DNC — a direct link to Putin.

We can all appreciate the irony that Democrats side more with America than the Republican party’s leader. He sides with Russia.