Letter: Candidate Sanders should tweak education message

From: Doug Otto


Bernie is using the wrong word! In his run for president, one of U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ primary tenets is "free college for all." You might think this is picky, but what he should campaign for is "free post-high school education for all."

The path to a self-sufficient life is preparation to succeed in earning a living and making a contribution to society. That doesn’t necessarily mean college. There’s nothing wrong with a career in a trade or in a factory or in retail, etc… Success in these careers are better served by an education in mechanical training or other appropriate training. Have you tried to find a competent person to fix something lately? And those who prefer a trade, and their parents, may infer that the word college has an elitist tone.

I make no judgment as to whether this concept is a good idea, or if Bernie Sanders would be a good president. His idea will certainly be expensive and will probably lead to higher taxes. But, I do believe his proposal will attract more voters if it speaks to those who don’t want college.