Letter: If Trump ‘racist’ why aren’t others?

From: Joe Cole


Most current Democrats running for president believe in free health care for illegal immigrants. However, they want to charge Americans if they don’t have health insurance.

Most of the Democrats running for president believe in Medicare for all. For those of those that have paid into Medicare for years, there will be no refund. That means that anyone now lines up with those that have paid into the system to get “free medical care.” Ask Canada or the United Kingdom how that socialistic approach works for the citizens health care. Why do Canadians give up on the waiting list and come to the U.S. for surgery?

Most of the current Democrats running for president believe in free college for all. Free college for all means every American will pay higher taxes. Why do we allow universities to make so much money and pay the professors to indoctrinate our children into socialism? Why not have the universities cut their tuitions and pay to tenured professors?

The NEA is a huge Democratic donor, and as a result enjoys the freedom of preaching rather than teaching. In 1863, many states required teachers and professors take an oath to uphold the federal and state constitutions and to faithfully perform their duties. They also had to swear to “teach and respect” the flags of the United States. Fast forward to today where universities preaches socialism, communism and anti-Americanism.

Most current Democrats running for president believe that the United States of America should have open borders. Open borders equal no sovereign nation. Remember, Obama started the so-called concentration camps in America, not President Trump. Nancy Pelosi and the other Democrats say that we are abusing children at our border, but they have no problem with the largest killer of unborn children: Planned Parenthood.

All current Democrats running for president believe President Trump is a racist. They ignore the fact that the Democratic Party was the party that fought for segregation, lynching and slavery. Hillary Clinton praised Democratic Senate leader Robert Byrd as a true American and her mentor. By the way, he was an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK. Is Hillary a racist?

Recently, congresswoman Ayanna Pressley made the statement, “We don’t need anymore black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.” What she is saying is that if you are black, you cannot think on your own. Is she a racist?

Democrat Bernie Sanders, who’s actually an independent, wants a $15 per hour minimum wage. However, it was reported by his own staff he wasn’t paying that wage. When confronted, his first reaction was to cut his staff’s hours to make up for the pay discrepancy. How many other businesses will have to cut hours or employees to comply with that regulation? In 2015, he compared a neighborhood in Baltimore to a third world country. Is he a racist?

Finally, why is President Trump a racist when the above are not called a racist?

Remember, government only redistributes money, it doesn’t generate income.