Commissioners agree to request new regulated drain in Clifford area

The Bartholomew County Commissioners have signed a petition to the Bartholomew County Drainage Board to request a new regulated drain in the Clifford area, fulfilling a promise made years ago.

The underground tile would begin in the Clifford Town Park, move east along the south side of County Road 550N, and then north on the east side of County Road 250E up to to County Road 600N.

“This is really a matter of taking care of an obligation that the Bartholomew County Commissioners made over 20 years ago,” said Commissioner Carl Lienhoop. He emphasized the benefits for many in the Clifford area will outweigh costs, damages and expenses.

Specifically, the project will improve drainage and public health through the east side of Clifford, as well as on the rural areas along County Road 250E, Lienhoop said.

For more on this story, see Saturday’s Republic.