Orchids to …
• The Big Cheese on 24th Street for great food and great customer service every single time I go there, from Trish.
• my daughter Raquel for taking me out to eat this winter when she knows I can’t drive anymore, from your mom, Jan.
• Ken Fudge for an outstanding letter, from someone who agrees 100 percent.
• everyone who legally carries a firearm when they go out to dinner so they might protect those who don’t.
• Michael Smith for plowing my drive.
• Donald and Dexter.
• for keeping driveway and sidewalks clean, from your East Cliff neighbors.
• Lana at The Republic for outstanding customer service and for being very understanding, from the Browns.
• Ken Fudge for a well-written letter.
• the neighbor who showed concern and brought salt for the ice to help out on Miracle Drive in Two Worlds.
• the Outreach Church for your prayers, love and flowers, from Joann Essex.
• Jason for helping me shovel my driveway, from Cindy.
• snow angels who cleaned a disabled person’s sidewalks on Ninth Street, from the disabled person.
• Tom Furnish for winning the Columbus geezer racquetball tournament at Columbus Fit, from Brad Gonsalves.
• Bob for cleaning out driveways on Hillcrest Drive, from thankful neighbors.
• the Columbus Park Foundation Board and Parks staff for the amazing work they are doing for our community, making it a more beautiful, healthy and safe place to live, work and play, from Katia Hatter.
• Richard Keller for plowing our driveway, from the Robertson Family.
• Mayor Brown on the community police force allowing the officers to work in Johnson and Brown Counties.
• Tom Dell of Dell Brothers clothing for their excellent service above and beyond their normal hours, from Roger.
• the sweet lady, Patsy, who helped me get into City Hall and then all the way back to my car.
• Lois Patterson, my next door angel, for putting my newspaper on my front door during this cold, nasty winter weather, from Karen.
• Laurence Brown for trying to make Columbus a more bike and pedestrian friendly community.
• the Parks Foundation for doing an excellent job preserving our architectural legacy.
• State Street Corridor volunteers for your time and service to our community to bring safety improvements and beauty to this important area of our city, from Katia Hatter.
• John Hackman for the delicious lunch, from the Bartholomew County Auditor’s Office.
• the Columbus City Council for its leadership and professional behavior for continuing to work to make Columbus a better place for all our residents and understanding the purpose of the budget process and the reason for planning ahead.
• the Columbus Park Foundation, Friends of Hamilton Center and the community for the fundraising efforts for Hamilton Center renovations.
• the Schmitt Elementary staff for assuring that our children get safely in and out of the vehicles even if the weather is below freezing, raining or scorching hot, from an appreciative parent.
• Jim Lienhoop for sharing his vision of collaboration and compromise to move Columbus toward a bright future, from Katia Hatter.
• Joe Willy’s and The River 104.9 for the delicious lunch at Joe Willy’s, from the staff of Briarwood and Fairington apartments.
• Heather and the Kroger pharmacists for you r help and concern Tuesday, from Susan Payne.
• Bill Martin for a wonderful fish fry lunch.
• Greg Addis for managing to get “Pearl” up my slippery drive and into garage Monday evening, from Dot.
Onions to …
• teachers who don’t update the parent portal site letting parents know what their kids’ grades are.
• those who don’t realize that some radio stations are contractually obligated to cover some sporting events.
• a female employee crossing a downtown street at 7:20 a.m. Tuesday morning who nearly caused a multi-car pile up by not using company-provided electronic crossing lights.
• the city council.
• employees who continually do what they are not supposed to do even after getting reprimanded.
• the lady at a place of employment doing non-work on her computer instead of waiting on customers, and to the boss who does nothing about it.
• fast-food places no longer being fast food.
• nosy family members who always call and talk or complain about the same people or the same thing every time.
• a car dealer who uses deceptive advertising to get customers in.
• people who distort facts in letters to the editor in which they accuse others of distorting facts.
• men who carry guns to bolster their manhood.
Happy Birthday to …
• Charles Baker, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Ben Harker, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Colleen Zollman, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Chuck Baker, from Trish.
• J. T. Hull.
• Harold Sims.
• Jeffery Gray.
• Casey Miller.
• Anna Sneed.
• April Retz, from Chris, Braelynn, Dad, Missy ,Katie, Tommi, Lily, Uncle Sam, Aunt Misty, Logan, Garrett, Grace and Grandma.
• Dylan Hodson, from Pastor Lewis and The Who So Ever Will Community Church.
• Pic Hadley, from Pastor Lewis and The Who So Ever Will Community Church.
• Mckayla and Mckenize Bailey on No. 13, from Papa and Judy.
• Diana Taylor Davidson, from Vicki and Chris.
• Ann Hoppus, from Dove Ministries.
• Moagie Hedrick, from your buddy Hogie McDougal.
• Pam Maschino.
Belated Wishes to …
• Bill Ponder.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Andy and Judy Spencer, from Pastor Lewis and The Who So Ever Will Community Church.