Orchids to …
• the cooks at the Eagles Lodge for great food, from satisfied customers.
• the popular restaurant that had its music turned down to a tolerable level on Tuesday night.
• Columbus BMV for being so kind and efficient, from a customer.
• Columbus Regional Health housekeepers, from Chris Wood.
• Oryon Allman for making the Gold honor roll, from Mimi and Papi Harper.
• Dr. Lee and all the outpatient surgery nurses and staff during my procedure and to recovery room staff for the great care, from John Brooks.
• the wonderful caring nurses in IV Therapy for the terrific care I continue to receive, from John Brooks.
• the honest woman who returned my purse to the Target service desk last week.
• Todd at Aaron’s Appliances for working with us and really being an all-around good manager, from Jason and Sherri.
• the lady feeding the animals at Lowell Bridge.
• Braden Loyd and Ashley Norman on their recent engagement, from John Tinkey.
• Jerry at Walmart on Whitfield Drive for helping us load all of our mulch, from Beth.
• the gentlemen behind me in line at Casey’s General Store on State Street Tuesday evening who paid for my items when my debit card wouldn’t work, thank you, and I will pay it forward.
• QMIX’s Brittany and Tim for going to Parkside Elementary School to read to my third-graders and for the awesome prize of a Kindle and Amazon gift card for our class, from Jolinn Bodkins.
• Trish Ward for her hard work on the Orchids, Onions, birthdays and anniversaries, from a Republic subscriber.
Onions to …
• the county official who proposed billing the city for elections.
• the person that doesn’t understand you can turn right on red but you don’t have to.
• the elected officials who increased the cost of health care benefits for county employees but claimed that it was hard to fill a vacant county position because of better pay and benefits in the private sector.
• those who never think an Onion is about them.
• the pharmacy for poor customer service and making excuses for that service.
• the restaurant that claims to be serving breakfast all day but only if you want what they happen to be serving.
• people who want you to support family events after they have thrown you under the bus continually.
• people who do not take care of their pets in northern Bartholomew County.
• walkers on 22nd Street near Donner Park who walk on the street before daylight in dark clothing and can’t be easily seen.
• conservative Republicans taking the state and the country so far right that being moderate seems like anarchy.
Happy Birthday to …
• Billy Lazzell, from Mom and Dad.
• Debbie Arnholt, from Marcia Carson.
• Randy Gearhart, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Gladys Reece.
• Jeff Ping, from Toni, Dustin and David.
• Karli Mae Jessee on No.17, from Dad, PaPa, Mae Mae and your family.
• Cody West, from Rob, Tim, Josh, Mike, Connie, Oliver, Ingrid and Grandma.
• Makayla Reynolds, from Grandma Dorothy.
• Debbie Arnholt, from Trish.
• Caleb Carson, from Dad and Mom.
Belated Wishes to …
• Greg Mathis, from Heather, Chase, Connor, Chance, Eddie, Ann and the Steenbargers.
• Julie Johnson, from Pat and Mike.
• Bob Jackson, from Jay, Robert and Beverly.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Steve and Dawn Wilson, from friends at the Moravian Church.