Letter: Judge candidate displays intelligence, solid work ethic

From: Anthony Blair


I had the pleasure of meeting Kelly Benjamin in my Coalition for Collaborative Leadership class last year after successfully completing Leadership Bartholomew County. On a guiding team with Kelly and two others, we created a coalition to ensure that opportunities for lifelong success are created for 11- to 14-year-olds in Bartholomew County.

Kelly and I worked side-by-side for eight months. What I saw in her was intelligence, dedication, motivation and integrity. Not even a misfortune in her family stopped her from being a key contributor to our coalition. I’d say she’s pretty legit.

Since graduating from CCL, I’ve seen an active Kelly Benjamin in our community at the NAACP Annual Dinner, on the steps of City Hall to remember the Charleston, South Carolina, shooting victims and at many other community events.

I normally don’t take sides on political candidates. I believe in most cases we get the opportunity to vote for the lesser of two evils instead of the best person for the job. I believe I can take a side in the upcoming circuit court judge election because I’ve had the personal privilege of seeing the best person for the job hard at work.

I’m asking you Bartholomew County residents to cast your vote for Kelly Benjamin. You will gain an intelligent, dedicated and motivated person who will make sure justice is well-served.