Letter: Lauer brings honesty, integrity to table

From: Smith Snively


I have known Ryan Lauer personally for several years. He is qualified to be the state representative for District 59 from his education, his job responsibilities, his community involvement and his experience on the Bartholomew County Council, on which he was president in 2014. Ryan brings honesty and integrity to the positions held. He is currently the president of the church council and the congregation where he is an active member.

He is a member of the Community Corrections Advisory Board and the Sheriff’s Merit Board. He is married and has two young children.

Ryan is fiscally conservative and responsible with your money. During his term on the County Council, service for veterans was improved and two additional police officers were funded. He is very much in favor of local control of our schools and believes we must have exceptionally high standards and measures for schools and teachers. In conclusion, Ryan Lauer is the man for the job.