From: Chuck and June Corbin
It is with great pleasure that we ask you to join us in voting for Kelly Benjamin as the next Circuit Court judge for Bartholomew County. There have been many amazing letters to the editor highlighting Kelly’s 24 years of legal experience as an attorney and court commissioner, but we learned of her through her numerous community involvements.
When one reviews all the Bartholomew County community activities Kelly has been involved in, it’s hard to believe she has not lived here all her life. Take a look at these:
Boards, memberships, activities: Domestic Violence Action Team (chairwoman); Domestic Violence Problem Solving Committee; Columbus Youth Hockey Board; Lincoln Center Figure Skating Club Board (vice president); provided local, state and national trainings; bike volunteer for Mill Race Marathon; completed Diversity Circles through IUPUC; 2015 graduate of Collaboration through Coalition Leadership through Leadership Bartholomew County; commissioner on the Columbus Human Rights Commission (secretary/executive committee); Heritage Board member and sits on grants committee; Harrison College Advisory Board – criminal justice section; Rotary Club; member of and trustee for Asbury United Methodist Church; sang with her group “Radio UP” at Crooners for CASA a couple of weeks ago, receiving the People’s Choice Award.
Events/programs she helped implement: Men Take a Stand; Not On Our Ice; Sexual Assault Awareness Balloon Release; Denim Day; CRH Take Back the Night; Middle School Safe Dates Curriculum; Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment; Co-Chaired 2011 UnCommon Cause; Co-Chaired 2015 Lincoln Center Figure Skating Club Annual Ice Show; primary speaker at Say No to Violence Against Women rally sponsored by Zonta Clubs of Indiana; Women’s History Month event sponsored by IUPUC and Celebrate U sponsored by FFY, First United Methodist Church and Columbus Parks and Recreation Department.
Fun fact: Kelly was a national hurdler as a teenager, and in 2013 at age 47 she ran in the first Mill Race half-marathon, placing fourth in her age/gender division.
A special quality that Kelly brought with her that sets her apart from others as she seeks the office of Circuit Court judge is her enthusiasm and love to think outside the box and share innovative solutions and best practices from her national trainings and experience in both Indiana and Wisconsin.
We have heard others say who have moved to Columbus that they are not here by chance, they are here by choice. Kelly and Scott, who is from Indiana, made that choice for their family. They, and their three children, have jumped in and invested their time, energy, talents and treasures. Her leadership roles, work ethic and active advocacy for others are admirable and humbling.
Kelly, Scott and their children are, quite simply, just nice, good people. We simply cannot think of a more uniquely qualified, hard-working, ethical, honest, intelligent, passionate and compassionate candidate than Kelly. We ask that you join the two of us as we vote in the Republican primary for Kelly Benjamin as Bartholomew County’s next Circuit Court judge.