4-H Fair results for 7-10-16 news

Bartholomew County 4-H Fair Open Class results


Grand Champion: Carol Barnhill

Reserve Grand Champion: Jean Voelker

Champion: Harriet Armstrong, Beth Dilley, Clarence Fiesbeck, Jean Fiesbeck, Janell Foley, Marti Gordon

Reserve Champion: Susan Arnholt, Larry Barnhill, Karen Fiesbeck, Elaine Fischvogt, Penny Jacobus, Sue Anne Lee, Diana Meeks, Kari Spurgeon

Blue Star: Nathan Burbrink, Dennis Johnston, Sue Anne Lee, Jane Morris, Bruce Pollert, Don Schroer, Nancy Wagner, Greg Wilkerson

Blue: Edna Appel, Dan Arnholt, Rosemary Bolebaugh, Ron Briner, Liz Burbrink, Mary Burton, Norma Carson, Debbie Clark, Cynthia Deckard, Darlene Deckard, Beth Dilley, Charlotte Elkins, Karen Fiesbeck, Barb Hackman, Nancy Hackman, Marilyn Hadler, Mary Jane Hoeltke, Janice Hoeltke, Janice Hoevener, Max Jacobus, Judy John, Roselyn Johnston, Joyce Jones, Nancy Kistler, Jeanne Lienhoop, Gayle Loesch, Jim Loesch, Roberta Parmerlee, Leroy Pettitt, Linda Pettitt, Natalie Pollert, Sally Scrogham, Chris Schooley, Carolyn Schroer, Sally Scrogham, Claudia Shafer, Katie Shores, Louis Voelker, Mary Lou Wessel


Grand Champion: Tracy Day

Champion: Roberta Parmerlee

Reserve Champion: Lisa Coombs


Grand Champion: Rachel Lane

Reserve Grand Champion: Wendy Brougher

Champion: Jayla Fiesbeck

Reserve Champion: Carol Gross

Blue: Beth Dilley, Penny Jacobus

Red: Marnie Carr, Alyson Dunfee


Grand Champion: Beth Dilley

Reserve Grand Champion: Melana Mohler

Champion: Alyson Dunfee, Sandra Finkel


Grand Champion: Chaz Painter

Reserve Grand Champion: Amy Anderson

Champion: Alyson Dunfee, Marilyn Hadler, Carmine Hudson, Dolores Rettig

Reserve Champion: Theresa Dowey, Savanah Morris, Lori Moses, Teresa Spurling, Becky Tedder

Blue: Briana Bomell, Joyce Fisher, Larry Fisher, Carol Fox, Roselyn Johnston, Jocelynn Lambert, Angie Lowe, Jan Moss, Alex Pope, Kelle Pope, Don Taulman, Jerry Taulman, Sandra Taulman, Jean Voelker, Margaret Volland, Kathleen Stier Whipker

Red: Wanda Engelau, Carmine Hudson, Lisa Price


Grand Champion: Rachel Lane

Reserve Grand Champion: Bonnie Burbrink

Champion: Larry Bogard, Nancy Heckman, Charissa Reedy, Fran Simmermaker, Carolyn Trimpe

Reserve Champion: Wendy Brougher, Ellie Burbrink, Beth Dilley, Alyson Dunfee, Sandra Finkel, Bev Pence

Blue Star: Marnie Carr, Margaret Volland

Blue: Lesley Boewe, Carol Cox, Jayla Fiesbeck, Emmett Gordon, Carol Gross, Margaret Volland

Red: Carolyn Souza, Chasyti Van Hoosier

Christmas at the fair

Grand Champion: Linda Reedy

Reserve Grand Champion: Karen Dobrinksi

Champion: Patty Brock, Debbie Clark, Isaac Kerkhof, Melisa Miller, Jane Morris, Kathy Schooley, Brenda Showalter, Andie Simpson, Joetta Deckard Spray

Reserve Champion: Patty Brock, Suzie Goetz, Anita Palmer, Sherry K Walton, Beth West

Blue Star: Edith Ellmore, Nancy Hackman, Judy John, Joyce Jones, Nancy Meyer, Anita Palmer, Dana Reedy, Kathy Schooley, Jackie Speaker, Stella Streeval, Marline Strietelmeier

Blue: Britnee Hittle, Penny Jacobus, Alexander Kerkhof, Oliver Kerkhof, Choleece Leckron, Sandi Lovelace, Stacy Reedy, Pam Tempest, Jean Voelker


Grand Champion: Kylie Webster

Reserve Grand Champion: Tiffany Pulkowski

Champion: Dan Heath, Dean Myers, Melisa Miller, Sara Rapp, Candi Ruble, Kathy Schooley

Reserve Champion: Pat Burton, Sarah Fields, Christine Foster, Karen Lovelace

Blue Star: Margaret Pflueger

Blue: Mary Burton, Britnee Hittle

Red: Cinda Bonner, Joyce Jones

Decorated cakes

Grand Champion: Holly Chastain

Reserve Grand Champion: Carol Gross

Champion: Ellie Burbrink, Angie Lowe

Dried foods

Grand Champion: Marilyn Hadler

Reserve Grand Champion: Lori Moses

Champion: Charlotte Elkins, Sandra Taulman, Bob Tempest

80 and over

Grand Champion: Maxine Harden

Reserve Grand Champion: Norval Fishvogt

Champion: Norma Barringer, Joan Haab, Jeanne Starr

Reserve Champion: Ferrell Armstrong, Marquerite Meyer, Mildred Sanders

Blue Star: Donna Glick, Evelyn Lucas, Ruby Roseberry, Mary Lou Wessel

Blue: Peggy Cox, Margaret Darnell, Phyllis Epperson, Imogene Welch