A team from Columbus will compete in the second annual All Girls IndyRAGE robotics event Saturday at Perry Meridian High School, Indianapolis.
Galac Tech, made up of Columbus East and North students, are among 16 teams entered from Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin. The focus of the competition is to have female team members serve in all roles on their teams, work with professional female role models and encourage females to pursue interests in science, technology and math. The name RAGE is an acronym for Robotics All Girls Event.
The game being played at the event is “Stronghold,” a medieval-themed challenge with the goal of capturing the opponent’s castle. To do so, alliances of three robots must cross complex defenses, shoot foam boulders into tower goals and surround the castle at the end of the match.
Perry Meridian is at 410 W. Meridian School Road, Indianapolis. Spectators are asked to bring safety glasses if they have them.
The event begins at 7:30 a.m. and is free.