Orchids to …
• Gethin Thomas and Candie Clayburn on the second anniversary of Henry Social Club.
• the First Baptist Church of Hartsville for replacing the sidewalk at my home, from Maxine Howard.
• the baker at Kroger for decorating my sunflower birthday cake, as it’s perfect, from Hayley.
• the staff at Keepsake Village for the wonderful Thanksgiving meal for the residents and their families, from a daughter of a resident.
• the lady shopper at Aldi on Thursday who helped an elderly man into the store and stayed with him until I could come get him, and to Aldi for their concern.
• the Villas Apartment staff and residents for the delicious Thanksgiving dinner Friday, from Alice Purtlebaugh.
• Logan and Jan Freck for the planning, cooking and setup for the delightful Thanksgiving pitch-in at Fairlawn Presbyterian Church on Sunday, from Wilma Doup.
• Officer Christophel for helping me with my roadside trouble on County Road 200S.
• Carol Cox for putting others before herself without hesitation, from a grateful parent.
• Bob Freeman for going out of his way to help his community, from a grateful citizen.
• the America and Roby Anderson Community Center for the great Thanksgiving meal Saturday.
• East Columbus Christian Church for the awesome Thanksgiving meal Sunday.
• Flintwood Wesleyan Church for the great Thanksgiving meal on Sunday.
• Evan, Howard, Chris, Tyler, Isaac and Cobin of Frank’s Tree Service for your kindness and very professional work removing my maple tree, from Gayle Easton.
Onions to …
• high school teachers who push their political and religious beliefs on students.
• myself for inaccurately accusing an office of falsifying records.
• those who don’t understand the purpose of the Electoral College system, and those who complain about it only because their candidate did not win the election.
• the columnist who doesn’t understand the Electoral College — as old and as antiquated as the Constitution itself — keeps densely populated places like California and New York from picking the president.
• selfish individuals who are incapable of sitting silently and staying off of their mobile phone during a movie and therefore disrupt other patrons who are trying to enjoy a movie.
• rude people who talked throughout the funeral making it hard to hear the pastor.
• people who take advantage of church meals and then don’t come to a service.
• the pastor who allows two people of the congregation to lock up all the paper products for dinners and only they have the key.
• the man driving a green Jeep on Thursday who pulled out in front of me and gave me an obscene hand sign.
• liberals across the nation who do not know how to lose gracefully.
• the person who complained about the small black dog running loose, as the person should have picked it up or called animal control.
• The Republic for not delivering my paper for two and a half weeks.
• people who can’t accept the fact that the last eight years have been disastrous.
• the insanity running rampant in this country when people want to shelter criminal illegals.
• the people in the eastern subdivision who let their cats outside where it can walk across pool covers and rip them with their claws.
Happy Birthday to …
• Sue Willey, from Carol and Kay.
• Holly Burton, from Pastor Lewis Burton and The Who So Ever Will Community Church.
• Marty Bland, from Pastor Marvin Brown and Trinity Baptist Church.
• Gary Johnson, from Karen, Kathy, friends and family.
• Jerry Abner, from Brian and Lisa.
• John Helm, from Brown’s Corner Chapel Church.
• Megan Boyd, from Grandma Janet.
• Mark Bolander and Chris Jackson, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Briley Addison Tyree, from Grandma Hege.
• Eddy Thifault, from a couple of old friends.
• Nancy Stivers, from your husband John.
• Allen Ford, from Paulette.
Happy Birthday to …
• Eleanor Deaton.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Ryan and Paige Waltz.