A consultant has been hired in the city’s redevelopment office to assist with organizing meetings and projects. The city’s Redevelopment Commission last week approved a consulting agreement with Jayne Farber.
Under the terms of the one-year agreement, Farber will work 20 hours a week, earning $35 an hour as a consulting fee — not to exceed $36,000 over 12 months. Farber will provide assistance to Redevelopment Director Heather Pope.
Farber’s duties were amended Monday at a special redevelopment commission meeting to include specific projects she will be working on, including adding the railroad project, acquiring right of way for the State Street Connection Project, the Riverfront project design and project management of commission-owned tenant space projects. Farber will also manage the International Drive Extension project and other road projects as assigned.
Farber had served from 2012 to 2014 as a city consultant for the Columbus Arts District on projects such as renovating the Crump Theatre and Mill Race Park amphitheater. She is also a former Columbus Board of Works member.