Orchids to …
• the secret Santa crew that left a package with a blanket, socks and hot cocoa at my doorstep at Christmas, from Toni Grube.
• Michael and Sandy Lovelace, from a disabled person.
• Tom Romine, for helping us at the last minute, from Garland Brook Cemetery.
• Ronda Byers, for your amazing support.
• the Hege, Whittington and Glasson families for their kindness, from a disabled person.
• Sen. Joe Donnelly for stepping up to the plate to help Columbus with the railroad crossing problem.
• the young man who helped an elderly lady who fell in the parking lot at the Circle K at State Road 7 and U.S. 31.
• the angels I work with at Columbus Gynecology and Adult Medicine and Rau Family Practice because what you did for me is appreciated so much, from Midge.
• Matt Buzzard for the beautiful fruit container he sent me for Christmas, from Louise Greenlee.
• the unknown person who paid for my noon meal Tuesday at Steak ‘n Shake.
• Diana and Ryan Mann for hosting the Christmas dinner for our family and for the beautiful decorations, from your family.
• John Defler for the beautiful Christmas party, from Ruby Johnson.
Onions to …
• city administration for not giving updates on the old iron bridge that was supposed to go somewhere along the People Trail.
• those too young to remember The Republic used to have a Christmas day newspaper.
• the varsity basketball coach who does not ride the bus with his players.
• medical facilities that make you go back to your regular doctor to find out what your problem is.
• the selfish parent who thinks his daughter should take every single shot.
• people who think dogs are humans.
Happy Birthday to …
• Lauren Simmons, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Jessica Crull
• Connie Davidson
• Nick Sanders
• Caleb Jenkins, from Grandma Smith, McKenzie, Dad, Tonia, Cameron, Ashlyn, Caison and the rest of the family.
• Linda Baker, from sister-in-law Paulette.
Belated Wishes to …
• Ron Dutcher, from Reggie.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Jim and Nelda Haislup, from Clifford OES.