Orchids to …
• Yats for the awesome Mardi Gras fundraiser, from Nancy and Barry Hiquet.
• Tony Stewart for providing a fun and exciting hunting experience for others.
• the honest people who found the small black purse at the ATM and turned it in.
• the Jonesville Christian Church for hosting the February meeting of South Central Indiana Men’s Fellowship and for the awesome fried chicken dinner.
• Tom Dell at Dell Brothers for helping with the Windsor Knots, from Dale.
Onions to …
• those who are afraid of hate crime legislation because then they won’t be able to continue to hate without consequence or regret.
• trophy hunting and trophy hunters.
• the middle school teacher who requires students to attend an activity for 50 percent of their grade with no alternative for students who can’t attend.
• the letter writer who is ill-informed about gun rights and laws.
• the poor marketing of the Friday family event as many parents don’t know about it.
• the 10:45 and 11:15 p.m. train horns.
• the sleepless nights silly train horns are causing and no one really addressing what one train an hour will do to the quality of life in our wonderful little city.
• the former elected official for making a mountain out of a molehill.
• people who don’t realize that abstinence is free birth control.
• those who don’t realize that train horns are blown at crossroads and intersections to alert people there is a train on the tracks for their own safety.
Happy Birthday to …
• Shona Fisher, from the family and Donna.
• Tamara Alba, from Donna.
• Abhisha Rakshit, from your co-workers and Donna.
• Max Roeder, from Bob, Jeri, Connie and the rest of your family.
• Ricky Poe on No. 18, from Mom, Jay, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews.
• River Smith on No. 9, from Aunt Elsie.
• Cooper Newman.
• Jeremy Paetzel.
• Carolyn Cox, from your family.
• Pastor Scott Harper, from New Life Church.
• Greg Brown, from Pastor Marvin Brown and Trinity Baptist Church.
• Dorene Bowman, from Daddy, Bob and Mom.
Happy Belated Birthday to …
• Herbert Hadley, Mary Elliott and Stacey Tucker, from Pastor Lewis Burton and the Who So Ever Will Community Church.
• Richard Poe, on No. 18, from Mom, Jay and the rest of your family.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Bob and Jeri Goecker on No. 31, from your family and friends.