Activities are already underway for spring and summer fun at the Jennings County Public Library.
Library Youth Services Associates Annie Payne and Amanda Kingswell have organized a week of activities for students to enjoy during the Jennings School Corp. spring break March 27 through 31.
The week will begin March 27 with back-to-back teen movies in the teen department from 10 a.m. through 5 p.m. Movies will be available Monday through Thursday.
For younger students, on March 27 and 29, there will be Magic Cards, Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh games and activities in the Children’s Department from 3 until 8:30 p.m.
On March 28, Tinker Time will be from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. for children ages 6 through 8. Registration is required. To register, call the Children’s Department at 812-346-2091, ext. 1232, by March 27.
On Thursday, the Teen Spectrum Program for LBGT teen members will have at meeting at 6 p.m.
There will be “Glow-in-the Dark Lock-in” on Friday night from 4 until 10 p.m. Snacks and food will be provided. Students still in school between the ages of 12 through 18 may attend.
Books-for-Bingo will be at noon on April 1 for children ages 3 through 12.
In addition to all the spring break activities, the library could use some help to prepare for the summer reading program.
“The Summer Read Program is a national program and there are grants to help fund program activities. We applied for a grant but we were not selected. It is a good program so it is worth the effort but now we have to come up with the supplies ourselves and we could use some help with that,” Payne said.
The national theme for this year’s reading program, which begins May 22, is “To Build a Better World through Community Service, Building Construction and Architecture.”
If you are doing your spring cleaning and find unused Lego’s, Barbie dolls, Brat dolls and Little Monster dolls, please bring them to to the donation box in the JCPL main Lobby. New and gently used plain T-shirts and cardboard boxes of any size are also needed for the program.
In addition to the new programming, work is underway to renovate the children’s department.
“We have to have the department ready by March 23 for the actual construction which will begin on April 1” said JCPL Director Mary Hougland. “Construction should be finished by the time the Summer Read Program begins but things will be torn up in the children’s department while they are working. Remodeling has been a dream for years and we are finally going to get it done.”