• Orchids to
• the Buffo, Simpson and Kilbarger families for being terrific hosts to our exchange student, from the Columbus Sunrise Rotary Club.
• all at Keepsake Village for working so hard in making a wonderful Easter egg hunt.
• John and Martha Shelton for their hard work at Flintwood Wesleyan Church.
• all the Columbus public high school students who show through their actions and achievements that public schools are the roads to success.
• Onions to
• the supervisor who stalks his employees and never believes in them.
• the crew repairing utility wires on State Road 7 near Elizabethtown for sitting on a tombstone in Springer Cemetery while taking a break.
• the people who blow grass in the road.
• people that have made up job titles just to make them sound important.
• people that need to stop all the bibble babble and realize that no one cares.
• the people that run their power equipment on Sunday, especially retired people who have all week long to do it.
• the incompetent animal owner who just stood and watched as her dog almost got eaten by a rottweiler.
• the trailer park that has left the old, empty, rusty light fixtures.
• Happy Birthday to
• Florence Toll, from Bethel Baptist Church.
• Carl Good, from your family, co-workers and Donna.
• Kevin Vanderwell, from your family, co-workers, the Pings, Angie, Brent, Donna and Annette.
• Kelli Diekhoff, from your family and friends.
• Shane Proctor, from Pastor Lewis Burton and The Who So Ever Will Community Church.
• Don Demas.
• Ralph Renner, from your three sisters and your family.
• Happy Anniversary to
• Mark and Tammy Hege, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Woody and Carol Gleason on No. 33, from your family.