About 100 tickets remain in American Legion Post No. 24’s raffle fundraiser to help cover costs of bringing a traveling Vietnam Veterans wall exhibit to Columbus in July.
The post is selling a total of 1,000 chances for its gun raffle beginning at 2 p.m. May 6 at the post, 2515 25th St. in Columbus. The event will generate about $25,000 for the project, which is estimated to cost about $64,000, according to organizers.
The wall, about half the size of the permanent one in Washington, D.C., was at Columbus Municipal Airport in 2002. It has been touring the country since 1984. Post leaders aim for it to be on display July 27 to 31 at the Bartholomew County 4-H Fairgrounds, where they believe it will attract an estimated 100,000 visitors.
The drawing will include 52 items, including pistols and long guns, organizers said. Every ticket, priced at $52, will be included in all 52 drawings.
Information: 812-376-7036.