Orchids to …
• the pastors and the brothers at the church who pray for all the sisters who don’t have praying husbands.
• Janie Gordon for an outstanding concert with the North choral department, from the Perrys.
• The Rev. Wes Jones and his wife, Teri Jones, for being reappointed at Flintwood Wesleyan Church.
• Susie Weddle at The Republic for her help regarding delivery with my paper.
Onions to …
• those who support a tax plan that lowers taxes for billionaires.
• people who have nothing better to do than think of stupid things to put in the Onions.
• the family who jacked a water bill up to $70 by doing their laundry somewhere else other than their own home.
• the man who lived with my mother and never paid a dime until he moved into his little house.
• those who have forgotten that God chooses our gender.
• leaders who are continuously late to meetings that they have organized and who also waste time at those meetings by discussing their personal agenda items.
• those who support something that is not what the Bible tells us.
• the state legislators who are raising our taxes when we voted for them to keep our taxes down.
• parents who think driver’s education is a waste of money.
• the two houses in the neighborhood that need to clean up their filthy yards.
• Republican lawmakers for spending more of our money.
• the people who are trying to make things too difficult when there are only XX and XY chromosomes.
Happy Birthday to …
• Robert Baker Jr., Helen Pheral and JoAnna Velten, from Bethel Baptist Church.
• Nicolas Wheeler, from your family and Donna.
• Joyce Garrison, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Ruth Mullis.
• Lainey Wallace.
• Ron Schaub, from Kay and Joe.
• Clara Claycamp, from Elsie.
• Stormy, from Haylen, Chuck, Judy, Don, Janet and Paul.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Russell and Ellen Wilson on No. 71, from all the family.